WEEK 7 - Republic day, Yoga, more games and classes


WEEK 7 -  Republic day, Yoga, more games and classes


Weekly reflection from January 23 to January 27.

This week we only had 4 working days with the 26th Thursday, Republic day being a holiday for us. We were not asked to come since the school didn't have any grand programmes and only the NCC, NSS and SPC cadets had programmes. 

On the 24, Tuesday we had a grand assembly, with the inauguration of a programme in participation with the local panchayat, Kalanjoor. The Panchayat had given over more than 2 lakhs worth of infrastructure to the high school, Higher Secondary and Vocational Higher Secondary combined. Thus we had officials from all of the above institutions.

I was also able to teach some grammar and fun language activities in my class IX D. During substitution hours I tried to include activities that improve students' language skills.
