WEEK 6 - Just Another Week
Weekly reflection from January 16 to January 20.
In this week we also had five complete working days. And we were able to complete much of our portions. We also had the opportunity to provide yoga classes to the students on several days of the week. Instead of just making them play games, when I got free hours substitution in the U.P. classes, Iused the time to explain the importance of yoga and made them practice simple postures and told them about the benefits of practising it.
Also on January 17th the children were provided the tablets to prevent stomach worms. We were also asked to assist to give it, along with two of my other peers distributed the tablet to the viii A students and wrote down the names of children who took the tablets.
On that day we also had a long assembly conducted by our dear V A students, almost every one of them had participated in conducting the assembly. On 18th January I was also able to witness a mimicking act by one of our talented student when I went to substitution in class 6 A. I was also able to conduct my sociometry work in class 9D this week.
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